Central Luzon Could be the Next Big Diving Paradise

The Department of Tourism (DOT) has set its sights on elevating Central Luzon to become a top-tier diving hotspot in the country.

DOT Regional Director Richard Daenos announced on Monday a series of initiatives aimed at showcasing Subic as a leading wreck dive site, Aurora as a rising star in community-based and sustainable diving, and New Clark City Aquatic Center as the go-to place for beginner diving courses and freediving contests.

Under the banner of the Travel Breathe Dive program, DOT-3 (Central Luzon) is committed to integrating both freediving and scuba diving as key attractions for enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Daenos, during a regional TV interview, unveiled the Travel Breathe Dive program, emphasizing Central Luzon’s potential, buoyed by Aurora’s reputation as the cradle of Philippine surfing.

The New Clark City Aquatic Center in Capas, Tarlac, is highlighted as a world-class facility, having hosted the inaugural national-level freediving competition from September 29 to October 1.

A partnership between Association Internationale pour le Développement de l’Apnee (AIDA) Philippines, Bases Conversion Development Authority (BCDA), and DOT-3 facilitated the AIDA Philippines National Freediving Pool Championship at this esteemed venue.

AIDA Philippines President Ramar Acuña expressed the organization’s dedication to transforming the Philippine freediving scene, leveraging the country’s diverse diving locales, both in open waters and pools, through cooperative efforts with the freediving community, government entities, and private sectors.

The championship is a component of DOT-3’s Travel Breathe Dive initiative, a campaign designed to position Central Luzon as a preferred destination for the global diving community.

Daenos elaborated that the program is crafted to blend diving and wellness, offering a comprehensive, sustainable, and inclusive tourist experience.

BCDA’s Michelle San Juan-De Vera echoed the sentiment, underscoring New Clark City’s readiness to emerge as a prominent freediving location, courtesy of its world-class Aquatics Center, which is expanding its repertoire beyond traditional swimming and diving events.

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